Saturday, 17 March is
St Patrick’s Day
It belongs to all of us. So let us celebrate together
Whether you are from Ireland, Scotland, England, Wales, USA, Canada, South America, China, Australia, New Zealand, Europe, Africa, The Middle East or Russia. C’mon in, the craic is mighty!!!
You can’t get much further away from Ireland but Sydney’s St Patrick’s Day Flash Mob certainly know how to mark the occasion.
And what would St Patrick’s Day be without a wee taste of East Belfast and Van Morrison playing Star of The County Down with the Chieftains, including the enigmatic late Derek Bell on piano.
For all my friends in Norwich – The Saw Doctors. Turn it up loud and pogo. Can there be a better way to end a Party? Apologies to the great bard, Robbie Burns, but Auld Lang Sang isn’t half as much fun.
Eddie Jones, prepare to have your arse kicked
You have embarrassed my Australian and English cousins but come Saturday evening, when we have won the Six Nations, the Triple Crown and a Grand Slam, …….. we will forgive you.